Amazon Recommendation for joint support: Hyaluronic Acid Food Grade

Amazon Recommendation for joint support: Hyaluronic Acid Food Grade

I have had horses the majority of my life and realize everyone has different skills, ideas and techniques, please see these items as personal opinions and personal recommendations, please do your own research when necessary!

I have been adding less than 1/8th of a teaspoon once a day for approximately 60 days, within the first 2 weeks I could see overall improvement of mobility and mood. This is a simple and budget friendly human grade supplement that is often the main ingredient in a ton of human and pet products. I have seen a great improvement overall with my gelding as far as he seems to be stretching out more/ warming up and loosening up quicker since using this. I have used various joint and msm supplements in the past and this is the first that i feel made a noticeable difference. My horse is not diagnosed with any lameness issues but has been a working horse his entire life and is 14 and recently has seemed stiff and lazy prior to using this. This gave me my spunky free moving gelding back! 

This is a personal recommendation made for amazon!

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